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How To Find Your Art Style In 9 Easy Steps (With Tips)

Imagine your artistic style as a puzzle waiting to be pieced together. Each piece represents a unique aspect of your creativity, from the colors you use to the subjects you depict.

Finding the right pieces and fitting them together can be a daunting task, but it’s a challenge worth pursuing!

Developing your own artistic style is an essential step in becoming a successful artist, as it sets you apart from others and showcases your unique voice.

In this article, I’ll guide you through finding your artistic style, from analyzing your artwork to exploring new tools and materials.

So, let’s get started discovering your own unique art style!

Key Takeaways

  • Analyze your own artwork for common themes, motifs, and techniques.
  • Experiment and explore different art styles and mediums.
  • Let your personal art style emerge naturally, and enjoy the creative process.

Analyse Your Own Artwork

This is the first thing you should do when trying to find your art style.

cartoon person thinking about their own artwork and art style

It’s time to take a closer look at your own artwork and see what you can learn from it.

Get ready to dive in and scrutinize your creations! (even if it hurts a little)

Analyzing your own artwork is an essential step in finding your artistic style. Start by looking at your pieces of art and identifying common themes, motifs, and techniques that you tend to use.

This will give you a sense of your drawing style and help you to identify what you enjoy working with the most.

Next, pay attention to your color palette.

Are there certain colors that you tend to use more than others? Do you have a preference for bold, bright colors or more muted tones?

This will give you an idea of your artistic style and what you are drawn to.

The color wheel with the tertiary colors!

You can experiment with different color combinations to see what works best for you and your artwork. 

And if you’re unsure of what colors to experiment with, use a website like coolors.co to generate random palettes for you!

Now that you have analyzed your artwork, it’s time to experiment and explore.

Experiment and Explore

Start by experimenting and exploring different art styles and mediums to find your unique style.

Don’t be afraid to try something new or unconventional.

Allow yourself to play and have fun with your art without worrying about the end result.

By experimenting with different techniques and supplies, you can discover what you enjoy and what resonates with you as an artist.

Don Corgi Avatar In Two Different Styles

Try different mediums such as watercolor, acrylics, or pastels, and explore different subject matter such as landscapes, portraits, or abstract art.

Don’t limit yourself to one style or subject matter, as this can hinder your creative growth. Instead, challenge yourself to try something new and unexpected. You never know what you might discover about yourself and your art.

Experimenting and exploring is a crucial step in finding your art style.

By trying different techniques and subject matter, you can develop a unique style that is true to you. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or have failures along the way, as this is all part of the creative process.

In the next section, we’ll discuss how seeking inspiration can also help you find your art style.

Seek Inspiration

inspiration lightbulb stock photo by Depositphotos

Looking for inspiration can greatly enhance your creative process and lead to unexpected breakthroughs.

Did you know that a study found exposure to nature can increase creativity by up to 50%?

Here are three ways to seek inspiration and find your own artistic style:

  1. Look to your favorite artists: Take a deep dive into the works of your favorite artists, analyze their style and techniques, and identify what resonates with you. This can help you figure out what you want to incorporate into your own style and what you want to avoid.
  2. Find inspiration from the world: Inspiration can come from anywhere, so keep your eyes and mind open to the world around you. Take a walk, visit a museum, or travel to a new place. Seeing new sights and experiencing new cultures can spark creative ideas and help you find your own unique artistic style.
  3. Grab art books and graphic novels: Art books from your favorite artists will help you keep yourself motivated and learn from their unique process to create art! Not only that, but graphic novels will do the same. As well as regular textbooks with your favorite worlds!

By seeking inspiration and trying new things, you can find your own artistic style.

Once you’ve found what inspires you, the next step is to focus on what you love.

Focus on What You Love

Discovering what you truly enjoy and focusing on that passion will allow your creativity to flourish and lead to the development of a unique artistic voice that reflects your individuality.

When it comes to finding your art style, it’s important to explore the kinds of art that you enjoy creating.

Do you prefer painting abstracts or drawing realistic portraits?

Are you drawn to bright colors, or do you prefer a more muted palette?

Focus on your art goals and love the process! One step at a time.

Pay attention to what makes you happy and what you naturally gravitate towards.

Once you have a better understanding of what you love, start experimenting with different techniques and styles, like cartoon style or anime style.

Don’t be afraid to try something new and step out of your comfort zone. You may discover a new drawing style or approach that you never considered before.

Keep creating and refining your art, and before you know it, your own artistic voice will start to emerge.

So have patience and keep pushing yourself to grow as an artist, which takes us to the next point.

Have Patience and Perseverance

You’ll need to be patient and keep pushing yourself to grow as an artist if you want to find your artistic style.

Developing your own style takes time and practice, and it’s important to consider that it won’t happen overnight.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away, keep practicing and experimenting with different techniques and materials.

Meditate to be more Imaginative. It helps!

It’s also important to have patience and perseverance when it comes to drawing. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and don’t rush the process.

Take your time and enjoy the journey of creating art. The more you practice, the more you’ll start to see your own unique style emerge.

With patience and perseverance, you’ll eventually develop a style that is uniquely yours.

Accept Feedback

Accepting feedback can be tough, but have you ever considered how it can help you improve and grow as an artist? Feedback allows you to see your work from a different perspective and gain insights into areas of improvement.

When you actively seek feedback, you can fine-tune your art style and develop a stronger artistic voice.

To find an art style that truly resonates with you, you need to be open to constructive criticism. It’s important to remember that feedback is not a personal attack but rather an opportunity to grow.

Feedback loop example by DepositPhotos

Consider joining an art community or group where you can share your work and receive feedback from other artists. This can be a great way to gain new perspectives and learn from others.

By accepting feedback, you can improve your art and develop a signature style that is uniquely yours. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things, but also be mindful of the feedback you receive along the way.

Don’t be afraid to take the feedback, but don’t feel obligated to follow it! At the end of the road, you’re the one that decides what you want to incorporate in your art style and work.

Enjoy the Process

Take a moment to savor the joy and fulfillment that comes with creating art, letting your creativity flow and enjoying every step of the process.

cartoon drawing of an artist enjoying the process of drawing

The creative process is a wonderful journey that can lead you to your signature art style. As you take the time to create, remember to enjoy the process and let your personal art style emerge naturally.

To fully enjoy the process, try to create a relaxing environment where you can immerse yourself in your art. Dim the lights, play some soothing music, and let your imagination take over.

As you work, notice the little details and appreciate how they add up to create a whole.

Take breaks when you need them, and come back to your art with refreshed eyes.

Creating art is not just about the finished product but the process of discovery and self-expression. As you experiment with different techniques and materials, you may find that a distinctive style begins to emerge.

Embrace this style, and let it guide you in your creative journey. 

Try New Tools and Materials

By experimenting with new tools and materials, you can enhance your artistic skills, broaden your horizons, and develop a deeper understanding of your craft.

Experiment with different materials and tools, it can really help you improve your gesture drawing and overall skills!

It’s important to be open to trying out different techniques and mediums to find your artistic style.

Whether it’s working with watercolors, oil paints, charcoal, or digital art, each type of art offers its own unique set of challenges and rewards.

Not only that but trying out different drawing styles, as we mentioned before, can also help you find your niche.

Maybe you’ve always stuck to realistic portraits, but exploring more abstract or cartoonish styles could lead you to discover a new passion.

Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new – it might be the key to unlocking your artistic potential. Incorporating many different mediums and techniques into your art practice can also help you develop a more dynamic style.

cartoon drawing of pencil, brush, fountain pen and spray, different drawing tools for artists

By combining different materials and experimenting with different ways of creating, you can create truly unique pieces that stand out.

So don’t be afraid to try new things – you never know where it might take you. And speaking of trying new things, taking a class can also be a great way to expand your artistic skills and learn from other artists.

Take A Class

If you’re feeling stuck in your artistic journey, exploring new techniques and mediums through a class can help you break out of your comfort zone and gain new perspectives on your craft.

Taking an art education class can be a great way to find your art style.

Online Teaching is up and Running so take advantage to boost your art skills!

You can do an online course somewhere nearby, or you can take an online drawing course!

By learning from an experienced teacher and interacting with other artists, you can discover your own unique way of creating. In a class, you’ll get step-by-step guidance on how to develop your skills and find your style of art.

Whether it’s a beginner’s class or an advanced course, you’ll have the opportunity to experiment with different techniques and mediums.

I’ve even created a specific class on How To Find Your Art Style here!

You’ll also receive feedback from your instructor and classmates, which can help you improve your work and refine your artistic voice.

By taking a class, you’ll not only improve your technical skills, but you’ll also gain inspiration and motivation from other artists.

You’ll be surrounded by a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for art. Whether you’re interested in painting, drawing, sculpture, or any other form of art, there’s a class out there for you. 

Related Questions

And that’s it about finding your art style! You might have some more questions, so I’m here to answer them.

By now, you should have a better understanding of how to find your artistic style. Remember, discovering your unique voice takes time, patience, and a lot of experimentation.

It’s important to analyze your own artwork, try new tools and materials, seek inspiration from other artists, and focus on what you love.

Don’t be afraid to accept feedback and enjoy the creative process.

Having that unique art style takes quite some time (here are some tips to help).

So don’t get discouraged if it takes you some time to discover your style.

Keep exploring, experimenting, and creating. Your unique artistic style is waiting to be unleashed!

What are some popular art styles to try when finding my artistic style?

There are many popular aesthetic art styles to experiment with, such as realism, impressionism, expressionism, abstract, pop art, and modern art.

You can find a great list of Different Drawing Styles Every Artist Should Try here!

Try different styles of painting, sketching, and other mediums besides painting and drawing to determine what resonates best with you.

Maybe you prefer sculpture? Try that!

How can I find my art style if I’m not sure what I want to create?

Start by identifying what you enjoy and what you’re drawn to in the art world.

Explore art books, galleries, and the works of your favorite artists to help you hone your interests and clarify your preferences.

Practice drawing and experimenting with various art styles until you discover a direction that feels right for you.

Why is it important to have a unique art style if I want to sell my art?

Having a distinct and recognizable style is vital if you want to sell your art because it sets you apart from other artists and helps you establish a personal brand.

A unique style will attract collectors, gallery owners, and art enthusiasts who resonate with your work and want to support and invest in it.

Not only that, but you’ll get more niche commissions from fans that would never be able to find that particular style anywhere else.

How will I know when I’ve found my artistic style?

You’ll likely feel more comfortable and confident with your art process when you’ve found your style.

Your body of work will have a consistent look and feel, and you’ll be able to identify what you like about your art and what sets it apart from others.

Keep in mind that finding a style is an ongoing journey, and it will likely evolve over time. 

Here are some tips to Improve your Art Style.

Can I have more than one art style? Do I need to stick to just one?

You absolutely can have more than one art style!

Many artists work in multiple styles and mediums, and there’s no rule that you must stick to just one.

Having multiple styles allows you to expand your artistic skills, explore new ideas, and reach a wider audience.

And that’s it for this article, I hope it helps you! 

For now, why not try a few simple art styles?

Or perhaps dive into figure drawing?!

Have fun!

Stock images by Depositphotos


Patricia Caldeira is the main writer here at Don Corgi. She's an art teacher with over 20.000 happy students across many platforms and courses!

Enjoy your stay and as always:
Keep on drawing!

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