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6 Easy Ways To Find Inspiration To Draw And Get Motivated!

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If you’re someone who loves to draw but finds it hard to come up with new ideas or doesn’t feel inspired to draw, you’re not alone.

It’s common for artists to struggle with art block or feel like they don’t have any inspiration.

However, there are lots of easy ways to find inspiration, get motivated, and improve your drawing skills. In this article, we’ll explore effective ways to get inspiration, get ideas, and stay motivated to draw.

Finding Inspiration To Draw

So let’s start with some easy ways and places that you can go to get inspiration to draw!

Visit a Museum or Gallery

person going to a museum to get inspiration to draw

Exposing yourself to different types of art is a great way to get inspired, and what better way to do that than to visit a Museum?

Visiting a museum or art gallery can allow you to see artwork from different eras, cultures, and styles!

You might see something that inspires you and sparks your creativity. It’s always a good idea to carry a sketchbook and pencil with you if you want to sketch something that catches your eye.

Flip Through Art Books

If you’re looking for inspiration, art books can be great resources.

You can find them at a local library or bookstore. Look for books with themes that interest you, or flip through a few to find art that you find inspirational.

You might discover new artists, drawing techniques, and perspectives that inspire you.

Not only art books, but you can also get some Anatomy Reference Books. They can be quite inspiring (and useful!) to flip through.

Look to Nature for Inspiration

The world around us can be a great source of inspiration!

Spend some time outdoors or observing nature and see if it strikes some inspiration in you. It helps relax your mind as well, so that’s a BIG plus!

organic and geometric shapes in nature for inspiration

You can try drawing trees, flowers, animals, mountains, or oceans.

Nature offers endless opportunities for artists, and you can use your imagination and creativity to create something truly unique.

Join an Art Challenge

Joining an art challenge is a great way to get motivated and improve your drawing skills.

Challenges like the 100-day drawing challenge or the weekly drawing challenge offer a structure and a goal to work towards. 

There are also many challenges throughout the year, such as inktober, faebruary, and so forth!

example of a drawing challenge to get inspired, faebruary by artbydoncorgi on instagram

Draw Something Without Copying

Copying an existing artwork or photo can be VERY useful to learn. But you have to do it only as a learning instrument.

Once you practiced a bunch of drawing in your favorite artist’s style, try to draw them from memory!

You're more creative than you think! Nurture that creativity on a daily basis.

This can help you develop your own style and way of drawing.

Also, instead of copying, try using references to guide your own drawing, but add your own twist to it. 

Use a Drawing Prompt List

Using a drawing prompt list can be a great way to get inspired.

You can make a list of things you want to draw or find a list online to follow.

366 drawing prompts cover by don corgi

Having a list can help you stay motivated and focused; once you finish one prompt, you can easily move on to the next.

You can get my 1 Year of Drawing Prompts pack here!

Motivating Yourself to Draw

Inspiration sometimes just isn’t enough. You also need the motivation to draw!

So here are some ways to find drawing motivation.

Doodle in Your Free Time

Doodling is a fantastic way to keep your creativity flowing whenever you have free time.

It can be hard to find time to draw, but you can doodle on paper, your phone, or any surface you have available.

It doesn’t need to be perfect – just let your pen or pencil flow and see what comes out.

Try Drawing With Different Art Supplies

Using different art supplies can help you get out of your comfort zone and stimulate your creativity.

Here are some of the best Art Materials that you can try today!

drawing of different art supplies

Try switching from graphite pencils to ink or watercolor; experiment with chalk pastels or colored pencils.

Different techniques and materials can produce very different results and can help you create something unique.

Create Art That You Want to See

There’s no better motivation than creating something you love.

If you’re interested in a specific subject or a theme in particular, let that inspire your art. Either if it’s fanart of a favorite show or manga, movie, or comic, just do it!

This makes it easier to develop a passion for art.

Different types of Fantasy Elf Ears, like super long and Pointy.

Create something you would be excited to see, hang up in your room, or share on social media.

If you’re still unsure how to get motivated, here are 9 other ways to motivate yourself to draw right now!

Improving Your Drawing Skills

Once you got inspiration AND motivation to draw, you just need to improve your drawing skills!

This is easier said than done, but here are a few quick ways to help you improve your drawing skills quickly.

Practice Drawing Regularly

The most effective way to improve your drawing skills is by practicing regularly.

Drawing every day, even just for a few minutes, can help you develop your skills and train your muscle memory.

Set small goals for yourself, such as finishing a sketch or drawing a specific object, so that you stay motivated and keep improving.

artist drawing and practicing new art skills

Try Taking an Art Class

If you want to improve your drawing skills, you can consider taking an art class. 

Join a local drawing or painting class, or take an online course (such as mine!).

Learning from someone with experience can help you develop new techniques, get feedback, and get inspired.

And it will help you improve your art skills MUCH faster than if you did it alone.

Spark Your Creativity with New Ideas

The more ideas you have, the easier it is to get inspired and create something unique.

Look for creative inspiration in art challenges, art books, or websites like Pinterest.

Patricia Caldeira Idea welcome avatar image

Bookmark anything you find interesting and refer to those ideas whenever you need them.

I have a bunch of Drawing Ideas here that you can use!

Summing It Up

There are countless ways to find inspiration, get motivated, and improve your drawing skills.

The key is to be open-minded and keep exploring new ideas. These tips are just a starting point for finding your own way to draw inspiration and create something unique.

Don’t let art block discourage you. Try different things, and keep practicing.

With dedication and perseverance, you’ll find the inspiration to strike and start creating your next masterpiece.

And if you’re looking for a community and a helping hand on your art journey, join one of my easy-to-follow drawing courses here!


Patricia Caldeira is the main writer here at Don Corgi. She's an art teacher with over 20.000 happy students across many platforms and courses!

Enjoy your stay and as always:
Keep on drawing!

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